Source: Tokyo Times
When it comes to weeing, I will personally admit that after one too many lagers my aim can be a bit awry to say the least. And, judging by the often liberally sprayed floors of public lavatories, I’m not alone when it comes to the odd poorly aimed pee. Yet that said, surely no man’s misses can be that badly directed or bring about such a deluge that he be subjected to the indignity of this device.
A contraption that rather comically is called the Angel Lap Pillow (天使のひざ枕), and while it helps stop splashes from a rather lax leak, it also prevents spillage from even a pinpoint piddle......more
I'm thinking... wouldn't be easier for guys just to sit down and pee rather than do this!?

You could use that thing for more then just peeing. hehe
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