I'll show you a few tricks that I downloaded
Source: The Register
Japan's 3G network is taking a pounding from porn-hungry users, who are eagerly slurping up capacity to the point that service providers have been obliged to impose limits on abusers of "unlimited" net access packages.
According to Bloomberg, DoCoMo and KDDI Corp are feeling the heat, especially around midnight when “heavy users” spikes slow the $74bn network. A typical customer is 32-year-old Tokyo travel agent Takeshi, who coughs ¥6,300($66) a month for an unlimited deal, "allowing him to download adult movies on his mobile phone".
He said: “A mobile is far handier than a computer for internet access - I seldom use a PC outside the office."
Around 91 million of Takeshi's fellow citizens now surf via the 3G network, and Japan's online pornography business is growing at a rate of up to 1,000 new customers a day on the biggest sites, with some punters coughing ¥10,000 ($105) to sign up.
One such smutmonger, Soft On Demand, has seen revenues from its mobile site leap 40 per cent in the year to March 2009 to around ¥15m ($157,392) per month......more
I love the word "smut" and "smutmonger". Good British words.
I understand people downloading porn and watching it at home. Maybe watch in the privacy of your own room, have porn on a laptop on the bed while having sex (that's hawt!).
But porn on the go? Why are people downloading porn using their G3 network to watch on a puny screen and where are they watching porn? On the metro? At work? At someone's house? Am I missing something?
Come on, Tracy! I think you need a little true instant gratification.
- Ovid
If I wanted instant gratification, I could just grab the hottest cowboy :D
I'll have what he's having.
Why do people download porn over 3G? Because not every bathroom at work has wifi.
EEW! You're thinking about watching porn at work? You're FIRED!
I'm actually the CEO...
So what if your employees instead of working are hiding in the bathroom downloading porn? FIRED!
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