Sometimes there just aren’t words… (the art image may not be safe for work and it is definitely not safe for your mind or future sanity — I seriously advise that you click away now, go to some other site and enjoy the entertainment that they provide, because if you choose to reject my words, the image is going to haunt you for the rest of the day, week, month and year. You have been warned…)

It's not that shocking. It's a bit disturbing but what did you expect? It's Japan! At least there were no tentacles involved. :)
tentacles or testicles?
Rule 34 of the internet in effect.
Although really, this would fall under the furry subset.
I think the Hello Kitty Darth Vader and the Pink Hello Kitty themed AR-15 are still more disturbing.
I was wrong. This is more disturbing.
Remember kids, what has been seen cannot be unseen.
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