Reports of Youtube Outages, looks like the no internet in Western China
Source: InventorSpot
Reports are now coming in via Twitter, Fanfou, and the web that Youtube is currently blocked for some users in China, just as it was blocked in the wake of the Tibet riots 1 year ago.
March 2008 saw many Chinese citizens using Youtube and other innovative web 2.0 services as a means of circumventing Chinese censorship and getting the word out about violent riots and protests in Tibet. The world saw a barrage of violent images that the Chinese government didn't particularly want us to see, and it ultimately resulted in a temporary youtube block . From what we've seen over the past 8 hours, it looks as though the government is afraid that it might happen again this year. Chinese video sites (such as youku and tudou) will likely remain up, as they are responsible for policing their own content to make sure that it's not too "disharmonious."
Ah disharmonious. The quest for the perfect society continues. If it happened in China, it didn't happen.
If you're visiting from China, drop a line in the comments as to how you feel about not being able to access Youtube.
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