Friday, December 17, 2010

Sex Education Class For Beijing Elementary Schoolchildren

Source: chinaSMACK

December 9th, at the Hepingli No. 1 Primary School in Dongcheng district of Beijing, during a sexual health education class, the teacher uses a game to teach students how a "sperm" and "ovum" unite after going through multiple obstacles, and even allows them to experience the hardships of a mother's ten month pregnancy.

December 9th, at the Hepingli No. 1 Primary School in Dongcheng district of Beijing, students pretend to be "sperm" during a game.

So what do you think?


Russ Nelson said...

You mean I can't check both of the bottom two??

Degenerasian said...

That's right, you can only pick one.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is, but not in this way and for this people, this kind of class should start when them get in high school, but in more serious way of course.